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The Coronavirus Outbreak’s Impact on Legal Marketing

Posted on Thursday, March 26th, 2020 at 8:53 pm    

In light of the economic uncertainty created by the coronavirus pandemic, many of our clients have been wrestling with how to address it, and how to signal their resolve to continue working through the crisis. TSEG wanted to share a few thoughts both on what your firm should say, and how to get that message out there.

What should I say, and how?

We have many clients who have wanted to inform visitors to their websites that they are aware of the outbreak. Such a message could communicate to current and potential clients that your firm is staying on top of the most recent developments, and can direct them to specific informatand CPAs mostly steadyion you want to share about your firm’s readiness to handle cases. To accomplish this, TSEG have been implementing banner messages at the top of websites that address the concern of how your firm is responding to COVID-19. Here are a few examples:

Shorter Messages

Abel Law Firm's COVID-19 messaging

Bruner Law Firm's coronavirus message

Longer Messages

CHASENBOSCOLO COVID-19 banner message

holmes diggs sadler coronavirus long message

Additionally, some clients have developed webpages or blog posts addressing how their firms would handle cases while also practicing CDC guidelines and social distancing. Here are examples:

Maintaining Your Web Traffic and Marketing Strategy

Clients have also been asking about search traffic, primarily asking if we have seen fluctuations and if we recommend shifting their budgets. As of today, March 24, and over the past 10 days, we have not seen significant changes in search volume to our clients’ websites. Here’s a link to an article that looks at a large pool of data, including data from legal searches: https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2020/03/18/covid-19-google-ads-data.

Its summary for Legal services:

“The legal industry is seeing some minor shifts on the SERP, with modest declines (under 5%) in search volume and conversion rates. Luckily, this is offset by a similar decline in the cost per click—keeping search conversions and CPAs mostly steady.”

So, while there is definitely an impulse to “scale back” right now, based purley on search traffic, the data does not currently suggest that fewer people are searching. We will monitor this closely, and if search traffic does begin to dip, here are a few options to consider:

  • If competitors spend less there is an opportunity to gain the upper hand simply by maintaining spend. This is measured in potentially increased impression share relative to what is spent for it and could lead to a lower cost per lead/case and more cases.
  • There is also an opportunity to be more strategic with where you spend. While workers are home, campaigns could be re-organized to target specific zip codes, perhaps excluding business centers and office parks, which could also lead to increased impression share in target areas. This is accomplished by shifting geotargeting.
  • There is opportunity to expand into adjacent practice areas. For example, if the concern is fewer drivers mean fewer car accidents, an expansion into workers’ compensation or nursing home cases could be worthwhile.

Regardless of what your firm has in place, or what extra measures you would like to implement, TSEG‘ team is ready to offer the guidance and assistance you need.

Transitioning Ad Spend into Organic Search Engine Placements

This is a great opportunity to increase spend on content, link building, Google Map strategies, website development, etc. By getting aggressive on this front, you can increase your digital presence as a whole to either rise up the organic rankings faster, or expand to other practice areas that you may not be completely dominant in yet. Additional content that we can share on social media is very powerful, and we can work together to push out some valuable and creative content.

Increasing investment in the organic performance of your site right now is a savvy approach. In contrast to the immediacy of paid campaigns, organic investments historically take some months to begin returning results. That said, putting resources into natural search placements and GMB Map placements now are investments that are likely to pay handsomely when market activity returns to normal in the coming months.

Practice Area Expansion through Ad Placements

As significantly more people are under shelter in place orders, they are turning to social media and streaming devices for entertainment. This is a great opportunity to get your firm in front of this trend to reach the people that need your services the most. At the same time, our data indicate that nursing home abuse, bankruptcy, and mass tort cases are surging. We are seeing success marketing for these practice areas through the following methods:

  • Google Ads/YouTube/Display Ads – Google will still be king, even if there is a dip in traffic. You always want to have a healthy percentage of your budget dedicated to this.
  • OTT/CTV – We have the ability to run 30-second streaming ads to the majority of streaming devices out there. We have found particular success when it comes to Nursing Home Abuse and Mass Torts with this strategy. The demographic targeting is amazing when it comes to this method, and you can run a very flexible option here. Cost per thousand viewers is similar to regular TV, but the massive benefit of Connected TV (CTV) advertising is the ability to show ads only to the geographic audience you are targeting. This allows marketers the ability to advertise in ways they’ve never been able to afford in the past.
  • Social Media – All social media traffic is skyrocketing, and if you are not already advertising through this method, this is a great opportunity to begin. If you want to follow the eyes of your clientele, this is where they are. Your budget can go a long way with the amount of reach and impressions you can get per dollar spent.

If you are unsure of where to start or what to say, our marketing experts can help you.

Contact TSEG

This unprecedented, dangerous viral outbreak effects all of us. Thousands upon thousands of people will need help procuring healthcare, fighting for protection against bankruptcy and eviction, holding their employers accountable for their on-the-job illnesses, and more. TSEG can work with you to bring their attention to your firm. Contact us online or call (512) 394-7234 to learn more.