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Designing for Conversion

Posted on Tuesday, November 18th, 2008 at 2:44 pm    

What is the primary purpose of a business website? Regardless of the type of business – whether it is a law firm, a retailer, a consulting agency, or a doctor’s office – the goal of a company website is to bring in new business. If a website fails to do so, it is inefficient and a waste of advertising dollars.

In order for a website to bring in new business, it must be able to convert website visitors into actual contacts. In other words, the website must be able to persuade a person who has just come across the site to call, email, buy from, or otherwise interact with the company who owns the site. How does a website accomplish this? A large piece of the puzzle is design, or how a website looks, how user-friendly it is, and what browsing and buying behaviors it elicits. Let’s look at this Boston bankruptcy lawyer website as an example.

There are several major features worth mentioning:

Attractive visual design: consumers make at least part of their judgments based on first impressions. If a site looks bad or cheap, it immediately loses credibility.

Easy-to-locate contact capabilities: the easy-to-find “Contact Us” button in the navigation bar, the prominently placed phone number in the header, and the large “Free Evaluation” button all provide site visitors with the abilty to immediately take action.

Testimonials and Credentials: The client quotes and accreditations of Boston bankruptcy attorney Josh Spirn are prominently displayed, allowing the site to immediately build value with a visitor.

Of course, there are dozens more factors to consider in developing, evaluating, and improving the conversion of a website. To learn more, give TSEG a call at (512) 394-7234.