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By: TSEG | Jan 16, 2009

The Other Half of the SEO Story

Search engine optimization isn’t a simple process, and getting your website to a prime location in Google search is only half the battle. Consider this scenario – your company hires an ad agency to get your name out all over town. Within months, your firm’s name and logo is visible on every billboard, during every...

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By: TSEG | Jan 14, 2009

PageRank – Some Basic Information

PageRank is a rough estimate of the value that your website or webpage has in the eyes of Google. It’s measured on a scale from 0 to 10, with 10 being the most valuable or relevant, and 0 being the least. For reference, consider that Google.com itself is basically the only site with a PageRank...

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By: TSEG | Jan 5, 2009

Black-Hat and White-Hat SEO

If you’re looking for an search engine optimization firm to spruce up your website, it’s important that you know the difference between “black-hat” and “white-hat” SEO. You may have heard these terms thrown around on internet forums or message boards, often in reference to the world wide web. “White-hat” and “black-hat” are unofficial terms used...

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By: TSEG | Dec 9, 2008

The Frustration and Success of Pay-Per-Click Campaigns

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the many different types of online marketing strategies that you can use to promote your business or services on the internet. Another dynamic and often benefical option for an online marketing campaign is the use of Pay-Per-Click (PPC). While these various types of online marketing can be successful on their...

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By: TSEG | Nov 25, 2008

Content and Site Structure

Correctly structuring website content/pages is just as important as having content in the first place. While search engines can easily crawl content, regardless of where it is located, the same cannot be said of human visitors. If your website isn’t easy to navigate, and if information and resources aren’t easily accessible, many site visitors won’t...

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By: TSEG | Nov 18, 2008

Designing for Conversion

What is the primary purpose of a business website? Regardless of the type of business – whether it is a law firm, a retailer, a consulting agency, or a doctor’s office – the goal of a company website is to bring in new business. If a website fails to do so, it is inefficient and...

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By: TSEG | Nov 13, 2008

Choosing the Right Location

When launching a search engine optimization campaign, many people seem to forget the importance of location. Consider this: you launch an expensive, time consuming SEO campaign to capture placement for the search term “personal injury lawyer.” After several months, you manage to reach the first page of Google, and you start getting site visitors. One...

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By: TSEG | Nov 7, 2008

The Value of Multiple Sites

Why build multiple websites? Why not put all your resources into one website that covers all your products, services, and information? For one thing, multiple websites can help improve your SEO campaign. For example, if you are a lawyer who handles both personal injury and criminal defense litigation, it may be in your best interests...

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By: TSEG | Nov 6, 2008

All Kinds of Optimization

SEO may not be right for every company, but it can be beneficial in almost every profession or market. Although the majority of our clients at TSEG are practicing attorneys or law firms, we’d like to point out that online marketing is by no means limited to the legal profession. Many of our clients, for...

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By: TSEG | Nov 4, 2008

Breaking into Highly Competitive Search Markets

Breaking into an existing market is almost always difficult for newcomers, and the world of internet marketing is no exception. When a new business sets up shop, it must deal with older, bigger, and often wealthier competitors; when a company or firm launches a new website, it must compete with older, better-established websites. The longer...

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